Mag. Julia Zöchling
Schottenbastei 10-16
1010 Vienna
Stairway 1, 5th floor, Room 516
Tel.:+43 1 4277 35946
E-Mail: julia.zoechling [AT] univie.ac.at
Changed office premises for the period from 21.2.2024 to 15.05.2024 due to renovation work:
1010 Vienna, Schottengasse 10, office M11
Curriculum Vitae
Univ.-Ass. Mag.a Julia Zöchling studied law at the University of Vienna. During her studies she completed an Erasmus semester in Lyon and participated in the Straniak Academy for Democracy and Human Rights in Montenegro. She also gained first experiences in legal practice at a bank, as an intern at a renowned law firm in Vienna and at an IT company in the field of data protection. She also held workshops on European and data protection law for the Legal Literacy Project Vienna. After obtaining her law degree, she worked in the Research and Documentation Directorate at the CJEU for just over a year, first as a trainee and then as a temporary agent.
Since July 2020, Julia Zöchling has been working as a University Assistant (prae doc) at the Department of European, International and Comparative Law. Her research focuses on EU internal market and competition law.
Publications, Conferences, lectures etc
- with Daniela Gschwindt: Adapting to a Changing Landscape: Reflections on the Future of State Aid, report on the XXX FIDE Congress from 31 May to 3 June 2023 in Sofia, EStAL 2023, 225-229.
- Risikobasierte Selbstregulierung sehr großer Online-Plattformen - ein legitimer unionsgesetzgeberischer Lückenfüller?, in Domig/Fädler/Friedrich/Igler/Karner/Prinz/Seebacher/Semmler/Wittich/Witz (eds), Weder schwarz noch weiß: Grauzonen im öffentlichen Recht (2023) 215-237.
Specialised Patent Judges and the Interaction of Patent Law with Other Areas of Law, in Desaunettes-Barbero/de Visscher/Strowel/Cassiers (eds), The Unitary Patent Package & Unified Patent Court: Problems, Possible Improvements and Alternatives (2023) 347-356.
- Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Beihilferecht, in Jaeger/Haslinger (eds), Jahrbuch Beihilferecht 23 (2023), NWV, 561-573.
- Langer Fall 12: Rechtsstaat auf kaiserlichen Abwegen, in Kopetzki/Potocnik-Manzouri/Tillian/Wieser (eds), Casebook Europarecht2 (2023) 291-304.
- with Philipp Leitner: With our without Hungary - The Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation and the Elephant in the Voting Room, verfassungsblog.de (5. November 2022).
- State aid & national enforcement – Austrian case notes, Concurrences e-Competitions Bulletin, available at www.concurrences.com/en/auteurs/julia-zochling.
- Unmöglichkeit der Rückforderung kleiner Beihilfen, in Jaeger/Haslinger (eds), Jahrbuch Beihilferecht 22 (2022), NWV, 537-548.
- CIL-FIT für die Zukunft? Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS) 2022, 171-184.
- Zuckerbrot und Peitsche: Unterschiedlich erfolgreiche Ansätze der Kommission in den Beihilfesachen Amazon und Engie im Vergleich, Zeitschrift für Beihilfenrecht (BRZ) 2021, 194-202.
- Cling together, swing together – On the relationship between the EU and Euratom, European Energy and Environmental Law Review (EEELR) 2021, 266-274.
- KaWeRÄG 2021 - Digitales Update für die Missbrauchskontrolle, ecolex 2021, 885-887.
- Aktuelle beihilferechtliche Judikatur österreichischer und deutscher Gerichte, in Jaeger/Haslinger (eds), Jahrbuch Beihilferecht 21 (2021), NWV, Seiten 487-507.
Conferences, lectures:
- Presentation "Risikobasierte Selbstregulierung sehr großer Online-Plattformen - ein legitimer unionsgesetzgeberischer Lückenfüller?", 12. Tagung der Österreichischen Assistentinnen und Assistenten des Öffentlichen Rechts (ÖAT), University of Vienna, 7 October 2022.
- Presentation “Aktuelle Judikatur der Unionsgerichte zum Beihilferecht”, 10. imh-Jahresforum EU-Beihilfenrecht, 6 April 2022.
- Presentation “Specialised patent judges and the interaction of patent law with other areas of law”, Conference on the Unified Patent Court System: Remaining Weaknesses and Possible Adjustments, University Saint-Louis Brussels, 28 January 2022 (online).
- Presentation “Cling together, swing together – On the relationship between the EU and Euratom”, 4th Young European Law Scholars (YELS) Conference (Back to Beginnings: Revisiting the Preambles of the European Treaties) organised by the University of Zurich, 21 May 2021 (online).
- Co-organisor of the online event series “EU Future Talks 2021” with up to now five panel discussions, University of Vienna (Link).
- Moderator of the panel discussion on the EU's Green Deal, 8 June 2021 (online).