Univ.-Ass. Mag. Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld
University Assistant
University Assistant
Schottenbastei 10-16 (Juridicum)
1010 Vienna
Stairway 1, 5th floor
Room 514
phone: +43 1 4277 351 35
e-mail: verena.wodniansky-wildenfeld@univie.ac.at
Curriculum Vitae
Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld studied law (Mag. iur.) from 2016 to 2020 at the University of Vienna and the Stockholm University. Currently, she is persuing her doctoral thesis, addressing the legal treatment and characterisation of de facto cohabitants from a comparative law and private international law perspective. Since September 2020, she is working as a university assistant for Univ.-Prof. Lehmann at the Department for European, International and Comparative Law at the University of Vienna. Her research focuses on European and international civil procedure and private law with a special emphasis in international family law.
I. Articles
- Das Ende der europäischen Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung?, ÖJZ 2021/73; with Paul Eichmüller.
II. Decision comments
- EuGH, verb Rs C-152/20 und C-218/20, SC Gruber Logistics, ZAS 2021/51; (Rechtswahlfreiheit und ihre Grenzen bei europäischen Individualarbeitsverträgen).
- EuGH 14.12.2021, C-490/20 Pancharevo, Anerkennung der Elternschaft in der Europäischen Union - Mutter, (Vater) Mutter, Kind?, iFamZ 2022/69.
III. Blogposts
- OGH 2 Ob 150/21d, EAPIL-Blog, 08.03.2022; (Not Everything that Glitters is an “acte clair”: The Austrian Supreme Court (Mis-)Applies the Succession Regulation); with Paul Eichmüller.
- Was garantiert die Preisgarantie?, überzuckert.at, 21.07.2022.
- VfGH 30.6.2022, G 230/2021, EAPIL-Blog, 04.11.2022; (Co-motherhood: The Austrian Constitutional Court on the Law of Parentage).
- OGH 7 Ob 198/22a, EAPIL-Blog, 19.04.2023; (The Austrian Supreme Court on a Slippery Slope: The FIS Rules of Conduct and Article 17 of the Rome II Regulation).
- BGH XII ZB 565/20, EAPIL-Blog, 07.09.2023; (Two Weddings, Two Children, Two Fathers? – The German Supreme Court Works its Magic).
Scientific lectures
Lecture "Recognition of co-motherhood in the EU – recent reforms and case law in the Member States" and following panel discussion on the general topic "A European Certificate of Parenthood – How far will it reach?", Online Conference on Family Law and Human Rights: Children’s rights in times of change, Academy of European Law (ERA), Online, 8. February 2023 (Program).
Lecture "The Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Modern Parenthood", IVRJ2023: The 2nd IVR Japan International Conference at the University of Chiba, Japan, 17. September 2023 (Program).