Univ.-Ass. Mag. Paul Lorenz Eichmüller, BA
University Assistant
© Barbara Mair
University Assistant
Schottenbastei 10–16 (Juridicum)
1010 Vienna
Stairway 1, 5th floor
Room 515
phone: +43 1 4277 35131
e-mail: paul.lorenz.eichmueller@univie.ac.at
Curriculum Vitae
Paul Eichmüller studied Law (Mag. iur.) from October 2017 to November 2021 and Oriental Studies (specialisation Arabic and Islamic Studies, BA) from October 2017 to September 2022 at the University of Vienna. For his academic achievements, he repeatedly received merit scholarships from the University, the Scholarship Foundation for Students of the Law, and the Austrian Scholarship Foundation Pro Scientia.
As part of his studies, he participated as a member of the University of Vienna's team for the 27th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court in 2019/20, in which he won, inter alia, the Werner Melis Award for the best memorandum for the respondent (out of more than 360 international teams). From 2021 to 2024, he coached the Vis Moot Court team at the University of Vienna. In 2022/23, his team won the Vis Moot Court (out of 378 teams from all over the world), in the following year, his team reached the finals again and came second (out of 373 teams).
Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Law (in the field of Private International Law and Comparative Law) and a master's degree in Arab World Studies (specialisation in Arabic linguistics) at the University of Vienna.
From October 2019 to June 2020, he was a student assistant at the Department of Civil Procedure Law at the University of Vienna with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Paul Oberhammer.
Since September 2020, he has been working at the Department for European, International and Comparative Law at the University of Vienna with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Lehmann, D.E.A., LL.M., J.S.D., first as a student assistant and since February 2022 as a university assistant.
His research focuses on European and international civil procedure and private law as well as international commercial arbitration.
I. Contribution to books
- Austria, in Lutzi/Piovesani/Zgrabljić Rotar (Hg), Jurisdiction Over Non-EU Defendants – Should the Brussels Ia Regulation be Extended? (Hart 2022, in print).
II. Articles
- Das Ende der europäischen Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung?, ÖJZ 2021/73; with Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld.
- Internationale Zuständigkeit bei kapitalmarktrechtlichen Streitigkeiten, BKR 2023, 1; with Matthias Lehmann.
III. Decision comments
- OGH 18 ONc 2/19t, ecolex 2020, 607-608; (Zu unsachlichen persönlichen Bemerkungen als Ablehnungsgrund im Schiedsverfahren).
- OGH 3 Ob 58/20f, EAPIL-Blog, 17.2.2021; (Austrian Supreme Court on the Law Governing Fault in Divorce).
- OGH 3 Ob 24/21g, EAPIL-Blog, 8.6.2021; (A Further Twist to Emissions Scandal Litigation: Jurisdiction in Case of Self-Imported Cars); with Matthias Lehmann.
- OGH 4 Ob 41/21i, EAPIL-Blog, 14.6.2021; (What's in a Name (Dispute)? Further Developments in EU Name Law).
- OGH 2 Ob 150/21d, EAPIL-Blog, 08.03.2022; (Not Everything that Glitters is an “acte clair”: The Austrian Supreme Court (Mis-)Applies the Succession Regulation); with Verena Wodniansky-Wildenfeld.
- OGH 4 Ob 30/22y, EAPIL-Blog, 6.7.2022; (“And We’ll Have the Brits Pay for that Litigation” – But Will We Really?).
- OGH 3 Ob 126/20f, EAPIL-Blog, 25.7.2022; (H Limited – The Austrian Sequel).
- OGH 2 Nc 11/22y, 2 Nc 17/22f, 9 Nc 8/22h & 10 Nc 6/22x, EAPIL-Blog, 6.9.2022; (More Post-Brexit Troubles – Proceedings in UK Unreasonable for Austrian Claimants).