Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Thomas Jaeger, LL.M.
Schottenbastei 10-16 (Juridicum)
1010 Vienna
Stairway 1, 5th floor, Room R519
phone: +43 4277 35905
fax: +43-1-4277-835905
e-mail: thomas.jaeger [AT] univie.ac.at
Organization: Petia Petrova
Consultation hours are generally held on Tuesdays, from 11.30 a.m., in Prof. Jaeger's office. This is subject to change at short notice. During lecture-free periods, no regular consultations take place.
Please note that consultations are subject to prior registration with Prof. Jaeger’s secretariate, with mention of the concern for which consultation is sought.
Questions on studies, exams, dissertations and Erasmus
Prof. Jaeger is on a research leave in the summer semester of 2022. During this period, he will not be offering any courses, examinations or supervising any work.
Technical questions regarding Moodle and e-Learning (e.g. registration and de-registration for courses, deadlines etc.) are to be addressed exclusively to the Studien Service Center.
Organizational concerns regarding courses taught by Prof. Jaeger (e.g. regarding admission to a course, waiting lists, compulsory attendance and excuses, etc.) should be addressed exclusively to Prof. Jaeger's secretariate. Specific information concerning theses for diploma and PhD seminars can be found under the respective links here. Basic rules for writing law seminar papers can be found here here.
General queries regarding the written European Law examinations "FÜM I" and "Einführung in das internationale Recht" (e.g. modalities, procedure, dates …) are to be addressed exclusively to the Studien Service Center. Specific questions concerning the European Law parts of both written examinations (e.g. admissible materials, inspection and discussion of correction etc.) should be addressed exclusively to Sen. Sc. Dr. Suzan Topal-Gökceli. Information on the scope and literature for the "FÜM I" can be found here and for "Einführung in das internationale Recht" here. Both examinations are in German.
As of autumn 2023, the European law part of the „MP Introduction to International Law (IREWI) - European Law“ will be held and examined in English. With regard to the examination material and the delimitation of material, the duration of 60 minutes, the type as a presence examination and the permitted aids as well as their markings, there are no changes. Please address specific questions regarding the redesign of the examination in English exclusively to Ass.-Prof. Dr. Lena Hornkohl.
Information on the scope and literature for the oral European law examinations with Prof. Jaeger for the Diplomstudium Rechtswissenschaften can be found here, for International Legal Studies here. The examination language is German in the Diplomstudium and English for International Legal Studies. Technical queries and requests regarding both examinations (e.g. registration and de-registration, dates, etc.) are to be adressed exclusively to the Studien Service Center, specific concerns (e.g. exact time slots, change of slots, etc.) should be addressed exclusively to Prof. Jaeger’s secretariate. More details and tips regarding the oral examinations with Prof. Jaeger can be found in the "Prüfercheck" of FV Jus. Please note: In preparation for an oral examination, attendance and active participation in a course with Prof. Jaeger are highly recommended. Do take advantage of the range of courses offered.
Information for Erasmus students can be found here. Erasmus students are warmly invited to attend Prof. Jaeger's courses. Erasmus students may acquire ECTS-certificates for all of Prof. Jaeger’s courses and are offered respective examinations (including for lectures). More information is given in the respective course (at the first appointment).
Prof. Jaeger welcomes students interested in writing dissertations under his supervision. Proposals should lie within his research areas and must demonstrate a clear scientific added value. This is to be elaborated in an exposé, which includes in particular a precise research question and its elaboration, an examination of the state of the literature and a preliminary index. Further information on dissertations with Prof. Jaeger can also be found here. If interested, please register for a consultation via Prof. Jaeger’s secretariate. Please prepare one or more research proposals for the meeting. The full exposé is not required until after the meeting.
Curriculum Vitae
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas JAEGER, LL.M (K.U. Leuven), studied law in Vienna, Paris and Leuven and worked in legal and institutional practice in up to 2003. Subsequently, he was Assistant for European Law at Salzburg University and later Senior Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich. From 2013, he substituted Chairs in Civil Law at the Universities of Hanover and Munich. Since 2016, he has held a Chair in European Law at Vienna University. His research focuses on issues of European economic law, particularly the internal market and competition and enforcement.
Additional information can be found here.
Current Publications and academic lectures
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europarecht
The European Law Team of the University of Vienna is closely affiliated with the Austrian Association for European Law (ÖGER). The ÖGER was founded in the year 1988 as a scientific association. It follows and comments on the development of the law of the EU from an Austrian perspective and is a member of the F.I.D.E. (La Fédération Internationale Pour le Droit Européen).
For the term of office 2021-2024 the board consists of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaeger, LL.M. (president), Univ.-Prof. DDr. Thomas Ratka (vice president), ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Fina (secretary general) und Sen. Sc. Dr. Suzan Topal-Gökceli (treasurer).
Website of the ÖGER
Website of the FIDE