Diploma Exam in Public International Law IREWI
Examination Process
You will be given a specific time for your exam no later than the day before the exam. The exam usually lasts 15-20 minutes. Each candidate receives 3 questions plus additional questions that arise from the answers. I examine one person at a time and do not pass questions onto the next candidate. Some questions relate to real or fictitious fact patterns, judicial decisions or provisions in treaties. Please bring the “Materialienteil des Handbuchs” or a “Kodex Völkerrecht” to the exam, or for exams in English, a similar collection such as Blackstone’s International Law.
The following is expected: identifying problems and critical thinking; understanding the basic concepts rather than memorization; understanding of the broader context and current developments in international law; the ability to argue different points of view; and to apply the law to fact patterns; precise expression.
Preparing for the exam in International Law IREWI
Recommended books: Reinisch (eds.), Österreichisches Handbuch des Völkerrechts, 6th edition (2021), Vol. I+II
Scope of the Exam
- Fundamentals of Public International Law today
- Sources of International Law
- International Law, European Union Law and Domestic Law
- Subjects of International Law
- Individuals in Public International Law
- Privileges and Immunities in International Law
- Prohibition of the Use of Force and the Principle of Non-Intervention
- Territorial Aspects of Public International Law
- International Economic Law
- State Responsibility
- International Humanitarian Law and the Law of War
- Austria’s International Status and its Position within the Framework of Public International Law since 1918
In addition, I also recommend the following
- Introductory: Cecily Rose, Niels Blokker, Daniëlla Dam-de Jong, Simone van den Driest, Robert Heinsch, Erik Koppe and Nico Schrijver, An Introduction to Public International Law (Cambridge University Press 2022)
- Advanced: James Crawford, Brownlie’s Principles of International Law (Oxford University Press 9th ed., 2019)
Current Dates of Examination for International Law IREWI
Examinations take place on the following days (subject to change):
04.03.2025, 12:30 - 18:30
Please notify brigitte.weidinger@univie.ac.at if you have decided not to take the exam.
Please address allocation requests for a valid reason exclusively to the SSC ssc.rechtswissenschaften@univie.ac.at during the registration phase.
The German version of this page contains further details on the modalities for oral exams.