FÜM I - Cross-Subject Examination

General Information


Passed exam in “Introduction to Law and its Methods” and completion of either the compulsory practical exercise in “Roman Foundations of Law” or in “Legal Histoy”.


The exam is composed of three parts: Roman Foundations, International Law and European Law.


Written exam, duration: 180 minutes

For a passing score you need a minimum of 80 out of 180 points. Additionally, you need a minimum score for every single part: Roman Foundations - 40 out of 120 possible points, International Law/European Law – 12 out 30 possible points.

FÜM I - Roman Law

Information (only in German) regarding the Roman Law part can be found on the the website of the Department of Roman Law and Antique Legal History.

FÜM I - public international law part

The first “Cross-Subject Examination” (FÜM 1) serves as a final exam for the first section of the law program at the University of Vienna. The exam tests the students’ knowledge on three subjects: Roman Law, European Union Law and Public International Law. While Public International Law belongs to the curriculum of the third and final section of the law program, students shall also at an early stage of their engagement with law be confronted with its international aspects. Therefore the Syllabus for the FÜM1 gives the students an overview of Public International Law.


The lecture is given in English in the winter semester, and in German in the summer semester. At least one practical exercise course in English and in German is offered each semester to ensure that students in the diploma degree and the IREWI degree benefit from instruction in the language of their exam in each semester.

The Syllabus for the FÜM 1 concerning Public International Law is limited to:

  • Script "Einführung in die Internationalen Grundlagen des Rechts: Einführung in das Völkerrecht", 6th edition, 2023, at the “Facultas Jus-shop”, Juridicum, ground floor or online https://www.facultas.at/juridicum
  • Introductory lecture: the slides for this course are available on the Moodle platform (you need to be registered for course 030477 to access the slides).

The use of codes or other sources such as the UN Charter is not permitted for the Public International Law part of the FÜM 1 examination.

Inspection of Examination Records

Date for Inspection FÜM I from 6 March 2025:

The inspection of examination records for the international law part is taking place on 3 April 2025, 11:00 – 12:00, Sem 44, Juridicum

Questions regarding the ‘FÜM I International Law Part’:

If there are urgent questions regarding the international law part please contact alina.maresch@univie.ac.at

Furthermore, students have the opportunity to inspect their graded public international law exam on Wednesdays, or Thursdays between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. in the secretariat. (Juridicum, 5th floor, 2nd staircase on the left.) after making an appointment by phone or e-mail: brigitte.weidinger@univie.ac.at.

Should you –after having inspected your exam– suspect mistakes in grading or if you have questions regarding the content of the exam, please contact Alina Maresch with your specific question in order to make an appointment.

Exam dates and registration deadlines can be found here.

Past Public International Law FÜM I Questions are available for DOWNLOAD below.

FÜM I - European Law

More information on all exams with Prof. Jaeger can be found here on his personal sub-page.



Subject of the FÜM I and the specific lecture are the basics of European Law. The syllabus is limited to the following literature.


  • Thomas Jaeger, Einführung in das Europarecht (3. Aufl., facultas, 2020)
  • Vertragstexte (z.B. Kodex Europarecht (LexisNexis), alle sonstigen unkommentierten Gesetzestexte (z.B. ausgedruckte Fassungen))

Further (optional)

  • Moriz Kopetzki et al (Hrsg.), Casebook Europarecht (2. Aufl., facultas, 2023)
  • Hubert Isak, Europarecht I, Teil 1 und 2 (9. Aufl., LexisNexis, 2018)
  • Thomas Jaeger, Materielles Europarecht (2. Aufl., LexisNexis, 2020)
  • Marcus Klamert, EU-Recht (3. Aufl., Manz, 2021)
  • Florian Schuhmacher, Europarecht II (7. Aufl., LexisNexis, 2014)

Examples for exam questions based on Prof. Jaeger's book can be found here.

Musterangabe 1,

Musterangabe 2,

Musterangabe 3.

For further model solutions see Zeitschrift JAP

Further infomation regarding the preparations of the Treaties for the exam:

Permitted versions of the Treaties:

Not permitted:

  • Rolf Schwartmann, Der Vertrag von Lissabon, C.F. Müller-Verlag
  • all commented versions or verions with indexes
  • no treaties of international law (e.g. UN-Charta)

Permitted preparations of the Treaties:

highlighting and references to other articles in the Treaties are permitted. All other comments, keywords and information is prohibited. Post-its with article references are permitted (e.g. Art. 263 TFEU) - all other keywords on post-its are not allowed (e.g. action for annulment).


Inspection of Examination Records

The next date for inspection will be on:

January 11th 2025, 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr, SEM 52

Please note: Student-ID required!

Concerning organisation questions reagarding the FÜM I (e.g. procedure, deadlines ...) please contact only Studienservicecenter. Concerning sepcific questions regarding the EU law part please contact only Sen. Sc. Dr. Topal-Gökceli.