List of Publications

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 87


Schinerl F, Toman RG. §§ 16, 17 und 18 AIFMG. In AIFMG Kommentar. 2023

Schinerl F, Toman RG. Ausnahmen vom Zahlungsdiensterecht. In Tuder G, editor, Handbuch Zahlungsverkehr 4.0. Linde Verlag Wien GmbH. 2023. p. 289-326

Lehmann M. Extraterritoriality in Financial Law. In Parrish A, Ryngaert C, editors, Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2023. p. 412-429. (Research handbooks in international law).

Held AJ. Finality, Rights in Rem, and the Blockchain: Can Transactions in Cryptoassets be Set Aside? In Digital Assets in Enforcement and Insolvency . Hart Publishing. 2023

Prévost E. The Law applicable to digital representations of off-chain assets. In Lehmann M, Bonomi A, Lalani S, editors, Blockchain and Private International Law. Brill. 2023. p. 285–313


Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 87