List of Publications

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 92


Eichmüller PL. Austria: Jurisdiction over non-EU defendants. In Lutzi T, Piovesani E, Zgrabljić Rotar D, editors, Jurisdiction Over Non-EU Defendants – Should the Brussels Ia Regulation be Extended?. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2023. p. 31-44. (Studies in Private International Law; No. 36).

Schinerl F, Berghuber L. Venture Debt: Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick. Österreichisches Bankarchiv. 2023 Jan;2023(1):33-38. doi:

Schinerl F, Toman RG. Ausnahmen vom Zahlungsdiensterecht. In Tuder G, editor, Handbuch Zahlungsverkehr 4.0. Linde Verlag Wien GmbH. 2023. p. 289-326

Lehmann M. Extraterritoriality in Financial Law. In Parrish A, Ryngaert C, editors, Research Handbook on Extraterritoriality in International Law. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2023. p. 412-429. (Research handbooks in international law).

Held AJ. Finality, Rights in Rem, and the Blockchain: Can Transactions in Cryptoassets be Set Aside? In Digital Assets in Enforcement and Insolvency . Hart Publishing. 2023

Prévost E. The Law applicable to digital representations of off-chain assets. In Lehmann M, Bonomi A, Lalani S, editors, Blockchain and Private International Law. Brill. 2023. p. 285–313

Showing entries 21 - 40 out of 92