Written module examination Introduction to International Law (IREWI)
General Information
The exam is composed of two parts: European Law and International Law.
Written exam, duration: 60 minutes
For a passing score a minimum of 30 out of 60 points is required. Additionally, a minimum score of 15 points must be achieved in each part.
Written module examination Introduction to International Law (IREWI) - International Law Part
From January 2024, the international law part of the “MP Introduction to International Law (IREWI) – International Law” is examined in English. There are no changes to the the scope of the exam, the exam length (60 minutes), the format (in-person) and the permitted aids (none).
The lecture is given in English in the winter semester, and in German in the summer semester. At least one practical exercise course in English and in German is offered each semester to ensure that students in the diploma degree and the IREWI degree benefit from instruction in the language of their exam in each semester.
Recommended materials:
- Teaching Materials “Introduction to International Law / Foundations of Public International Law“, 6th edition, 2023 (oder alternatively, the German teaching materials with the same coverage “Einführung in die Internationalen Grundlagen des Rechts: Einführung in das Völkerrecht“, 6th edition 2023), both available at the “Facultas Jus-shop“, Juridicum, ground floor or online https://www.facultas.at/juridicum.
- Introductory lecture: the slides for this course are available on the Moodle platform (you need to be registered for course 030477 to access the slides).
No documents (no codes, no legal documents, no Charter of the United Nations) are permitted.
Inspection of Examination Records
Date for Inspection MP Introduction to International Law (IREWI) - International Law Part from 31 January 2025:
The inspection of examination records for the international law part is taking place on 4 March 2025, 12:00-13:00, U 12, Juridicum
If there are urgent questions regarding the international law part please contact alina.maresch@univie.ac.at
Written module examination Introduction to International Law (IREWI) - European Law Part
As of autumn 2023, the European law part of the „MP Introduction to International Law (IREWI) - European Law“ will be held and examined in English. With regard to the examination material and the delimitation of material, the duration of 60 minutes, the type as a presence examination and the permitted aids as well as their markings, there are no changes.
Please send organisational questions about the examination (in particular deviating examination methods)exclusively by email to maximilian.silvester.burger@univie.ac.at.
Examination material:
The subject of the MP "Introduction to International Law - Part of European Law" is the main features of formal and substantive European law. It is about understanding as well as mastering the basics of European Union Law.
The material covers the script by Thomas Jaeger, "Introduction to European Union Law, Foundations - Institutions - Enforcement - Internal Market Rules" (2021). Alternatively, the German-language script by Thomas Jaeger, Einführung in das Europarecht (3rd ed., facultas, 2020) can be used for exam preparation.
A model exam can be found here.
Type of performance assessment/permitted aids:
The examination is basically a written presence examination at the Juridicum and lasts 60 minutes.
Permitted aids are uncommented treaty texts such as: Code of European Law (currently: 28th edition), Code of Business and Law Study Edition (currently: 8th edition), other uncommented treaty texts, e.g. Blackstone's "EU Treaties & Legislation" (currently 32nd edition 2021-2022) as well as printed versions of the treaties (to be found on the EUR-Lex site http://eur-lex.europa.eu/collection/eu-law/treaties.html?locale=de) or also LexPack FÜM I.
Permissible markings in the contract texts: Color highlighting is permissible. Article references are permitted. In any case, additional comments, annotations, keywords or information are not permitted. Other markings (strikeouts, underlining, symbols, etc.) are not permitted if they obviously only serve to circumvent the prohibition on commenting. The insertion of post-its is permitted, but the post-its may only be labeled with references to the respective treaty provision (e.g. Art. 263 TFEU), but not with headings or keywords (e.g. action for annulment).
After the first inspection, you can inspect your exam on Mondays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the secretariat of the Institute for European Law: sekretariat.europarecht@univie.ac.at.
Ass-Prof. Dr. Lena Hornkohl offers a exam preparation exercise in summer semester 2025 for the exam in June 2025.
Please note that Ass-Prof. Dr. Lena Hornkohl cannot offer any individual study tips or answer questions on the content of the exams via email. Consider to attend one of the exercises.
Statistics from WS 23-24 show that taking an exam preparation exercise can be beneficial for the outcome of the exam.